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About Mae & Mitchell Bespoke Management

Putting the Person First

A Bespoke Support Model

Our Approach


Our service keeps housing and support separate. The person signs their own tenancy agreement with our partnered housing providers who are responsible for the housing needs.


We use a single occupancy model meaning the people who use our service live within their own home (with their chosen staff). This is a bespoke scheme which means that housing providers search for property from the housing market in the community based on an individual's housing preferences (such as location and facilities), and what is necessary for the person's needs.


Each person has their own staff team recruited around them, and each person can be as involved as they want to be in recruiting them. Recruitment is based on applicants demonstrating the values we have at MMBM, and importantly on their attributes, experiences and interests that fit well with the person being supported.

Staff are trained to the person they support, so they know them well and know exactly how to support their needs. 


We also provide mental health and well-being support for our staff. As we grow, we ensure staff have the room for opportunities to grow and develop.

We understand that without skilled and happy staff, there will not be a happy and thriving service.


We aim for people to have as much control within their lives as possible from the start, with a view to growing that control over time. Their choices, preferences and aspirations are the framework of their support we provide, and we do not compromise on these. ​

These goals and aspirations are built in the person's support plans.


The support plans are tailored to each individual, driven by their unique wants and needs.

We encourage our supported people to dream big, and we put all steps in place to help them achieve their goals, or as close as they possibly can. These may be daily goals, monthly goals or yearly goals, and they are built in to their plans.


Treatment & Management

We have in-house Behaviour Specialists that are qualified to complete assessments, implement interventions and create in-depth management and treatment plans for the individuals we support. This  also ensures that staff are trained to the highest standards- to ensure that individuals are receiving excellent support and the greatest chance of living their best life. This also ensures that people we support are receiving live, continuous specialist support that is fast and responsive.


We have specialisms to treat and manage Personality Disorders.


We have specialisms in Trauma Care and Support.


We have specialisms of teaching, to those with severe Autism or Cognitive impairments. 

Specialists in Behaviour Analysis

An in-house service

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