Tune in between 1st March and 1st April 2021 for our campaign for mental health awareness! Crowdfunder is hosting this nation-wide campaign for charities and companies supporting people with mental health issues to raise more awareness of mental health and raise funds to enable this.
We are excited to be joining in with this. We will be sharing the world of those living with learning disabilities and mental health, our own story and project page of what we will be doing to support those living with learning disabilities and mental health. It gives us the opportunity to raise funds to follow through with this and, importantly, offering mental health support for pledgers in return for their donations. Not only that, but we will be taking on challenges in relation to important figures and statistics within the world of learning disabilities and mental health!
Not only that, but we want to connect with as much of the public as possible, by covering different areas of mental health in our blogs that we will be sharing, but also by giving people the opportunity to use our campaign as a platform to share their own experiences and impacts of mental health. It's so important that we not just encourage people to talk, but also encourage people to listen, otherwise talking is pointless.
We want to spread awareness that mental health is unique to each person that suffers with it, in symptoms and in life impacts, and more understanding is needed that mental health is not so black and white. It is broad. People need different provisions, resources and support to even just stay above the surface. So we want to spread compassion and patience for all mental health, and the understanding that any person we come across in our lives can be suffering this invisible illness. And for those that are, there is a meaning behind the behaviour they show. We want to show that being diagnosed does not make it plain sailing to receive help, and we will be hearing from those who have really struggled within the mental health system to get the help they need. We want to offer support and signpost people onto amazing services. It's going to be a packed month!
We are looking for people to share their own stories, anonymously or not. So please contact us if you wish to join us in this campaign! We are also looking for any businesses to join us in this campaign who can share our campaign with their supporters, and we can share that business with our supporters, so please contact us on info@mmbm.co.uk to discuss further if you are interested! We already have a dedicated counselling service on board with us and the more the merrier!
Hope to see you back here from March to hear more!
